Real-Time Monitoring System for Peatland Fire Potential Based on Internet of Things

  • Imam Khushthon Nawawi Industrial Automation and Robotic Engineering Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Mariya Al Qibtiya Industrial Automation and Robotic Engineering Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Silmi Ath Thahirah Al Azhima Industrial Automation and Robotic Engineering Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakim Industrial Automation and Robotic Engineering Education, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Lora, Monitoring System, Early Warning System, Fire Early Warning, IoT


This research aims to develop a real-time monitoring system for peatland fire potential based on the Internet of Things (IoT) with a focus on early detection of potential peatland fires. The main problem to be solved is the lack of an effective system in the early detection of potential peatland fires, which can cause serious environmental impacts. The method used involves the use of air temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, and fire detection sensors integrated with alarm-based alerts. Data collection is done in real-time to provide a deeper understanding of peatland conditions and potential fire risks. The research results show that the developed system is capable of providing accurate and fast information related to peatland conditions, thus helping to prevent and reduce the impact of peatland fires. With this system, it is expected to increase efficiency in early fire detection and minimize the losses caused by peatland fires.


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How to Cite
Nawawi, I. K., Al Qibtiya, M., Al Azhima, S. A. T., & Arief Hakim, N. F. (2024). Real-Time Monitoring System for Peatland Fire Potential Based on Internet of Things. Journal La Multiapp, 5(4), 465-477.