Check Acceptance Letters
Please check the following list for new LoAs:
2. Jonathan Cahyadi (Bitcoin Price Prediction Model Development Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM))
3. Rizqullah Maziyah Isnaeni (Backend Development of a Microservice-Based Website Application for Public Issue Reporting (Case Study: DPRD Jawa Barat))
5. Petrus Sanjaya Simarmata (Development of a Web-Based School Library Information System Management Training Model in Labuhanbatu District)
6. Dear Putri Olivia Agustin (Analysis of Working Time Measurement and Incentives Work to Increase Shoe Upper Production)
7. Berman (Analysis of the Application of DCL (Domestic Component Level) To Government Regulatory Policies)
8. Raihan (Minimizing Nail Distribution Routes Using the Ant Colony Optimization Method With MATLAB At CV.XYZ)
9. Ramadana Esa Kuswara (Analysis of Barriers to Sustainable Supply Chain Implementation Using DEMATEL and ISM Integration at CV. XYZ)
10. Kharisma Adikara (Stakeholder Identification and Collaboration Indicators in The Construction of Pedestrian Facilities in Jakarta)
11. Wahyudin (Program Design to Improve Punctual Graduates of Students in the Unsika Industrial Engineering Study Program by Using the 5C-4C Knowledge Conversion Method)
12. Muhammad Ihsanul Fikri (Expert System for Diagnosing Pests on Oil Palm Seed Plants Using the Certainty Factor Method)
13. Bayu Surbana Ritonga (Implementation of a Decision Support System in Selecting the Best Mid-Range Smartphone Using the Ahp and Moora Methods)
14. Sapta Dwi Putri (Application of e-RKAM in Electronic-Based Madrasah Planning and Budgeting in the
Ministry of Religion of South Sumatra Province)
16. Hadi Supriyanto (Implementation of Siemens S7-1200 PID Control on Festo Labvolt 3531 Plant Level Controller with Topkapi SCADA Using Modbus Communication Protocol)
17. Febrian Muhammad Farel (Optimizing Raw Material Inventory Control with Continuous and Periodic Review at PT. XYZ)
18. Ahmad Baheshti (Analyzing the Measurement of Employee Performance using Human Resources Scorecard
Method and Analytical Hierarchy Process at PT. XYZ)
19. Lakun Tikupadang (Analysis of Determining Order Quantity of Spare Parts in Oil and Gas Well Service Activities Using Monte Carlo Simulation)
20. Fauzi Yoga Pradana (Bakery Bread Production System Analysis with Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fmea)
Method: Case Study of The Armina Food Bread Business)
21. Kamil Ryanto (Standardization of Information Security Management in the Banking Sector using the ISO
27001:2022 Framework at PT Bank Victoria International Tbk)
22. Yasmin Mohialden (Enhancing the security of information systems using IoT technology)
23. Sabah Alfalih (System for Visually Disabled through Wearables Utilizing Arduino and Ultrasound)
24. Nadya Sikana (Movie Success Prediction Based on Feature and Trailer Comments Using Ensemble+LSTM
25. Fatur Rachman (Numerical Study of Cavitation Phenomena in a Venturi Tube)
26. Ethar Abdul Wahhab Hachim (Cloud Data Protection Based on Crypto-Steganography Approach)
27. Joehari Azhar (Decision Support System for Determining Extracurricular Interest Using the Naive Bayes
28. Yunda Aidilia (Image Quality Restoration on Historical Artifacts Using Histogram Equalization and Contrast
Stretching Methods)
29. Imam Khuston Nawawi (Real-Time Monitoring System for Peatland Fire Potential Based on Internet of Things)
30. M. Arif Aulia (Analysis Of the Corpus with Naïve Bayes In Determining Sentiment Labeling)
31. Dysa Handira (Implementation of a Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm in Classifying Vegetable
Freshness Based on Image)
32. Fajar Azhari (Sentiment Analysis towards Full Movie Dirty Vote 2024 in X Using SVM Method)
33. Mhd. Roji Rifansyah (Prototype of Microcontroller Based Water Pump Control System for Lettuce Plants Using Fuzzy Tsukamoto)
34. Yoga Anunggita (Analysis of User Acceptance of the Mobile Application of National Health Insurance Using
the UTAUT Model)
35. Raihansyah Yoga Adhitama (Key Factors of Urban Public Transportation Services Implementation in Indonesia: A Knowledge Management Perspectives)
36. Intan Nur Rafiqah (Classification Of Crude Palm Oil Quality Eligibility Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm)
37. Alifiannisa Alyahasna Wighneswara (Integrating Social Support into the TAM Framework: Effects on E Learning Usage and Acceptance)
38. Pramesthi Qisthia Hanum Mahardika (Application of Design Thinking Method in Designing the User Interface Prototype for the Website of the Informatics Engineering Study Program at Dian Nuswantoro University)
39. Nadia Putri Asrianti (Analysis of Calorific Value of Biopellet Diameter Variations Through Proximate Test)
40. Favian Prastian (Performance Measurement at PT. XYZ Based on the Green Manufacturing Concept with
OECD Indicators)
41. Rachmad Syarul Hidayat (Evaluation of Information Technology Governance Maturity Using COBIT 2019: A Case Study on the IT Security Industry)
42. Muhammad Taufik Hakim Lubis (Measurement of Centroid Distance in Determining Stunting Clusters)
43. Israa Jihad Abed (Using Machine Learning to Detect Unauthorized Access in Database's Log Files)
44. Esraa Raheem Alzaidi (Improving Industrial Quality Control by Machine Learning Techniques)
45. Anton (Arduino Based Automatic Door Lock Design Using Personal Identification Number Pin)
46. Rachmad Syarul Hidayat (TOGAF's Approach in Developing an Enterprise Architecture for the Information Technology Security Industry)
47. Balqis Sayyidahtul Atikah (Impact of Feature Extraction on Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification for Livin'byMandiri Using BiLSTM)
48. Darmawan Pontan (Comparative Analysis of Green Building Hospitals in Karawang and Pemalang)
49. Putri Aisyah Sephia (Sentiment Analysis of Support for the DPR's Right to Inquiry on the Issue of 2024 Election Fraud Using the Support Vector Machine Method)
50. Esraa Raheem Alzaidi (Improving Industrial Quality Control by Machine Learning Techniques)
51. Prabowo Soetadji (Maintenance tasks for 20 kV medium-voltage switchgear based on technical judgment experience and manufacturer)
52. Dian Eka Aryanti (Analysis of Excavation Methods Against Deformation in Highway Tunnels Analysis of Excavation Method to Highway Tunnel Deformation)
53. Efwandha Yudhono (Application of a Question Answering System in the Ontology-Based Health Domain and
Question Templates to Improve the Quality of Answers)
54. Della Azlia Oktavia (Surfactant Content Influence on Formation Water Compatibility)
55. Rigel Saesaria Marcelani (Analysis Planning Relay Layout With CRAFT (Computerized Relative Allocation Of Facilities Technique) Approach )
56. Nungky Taniasari (Security Quality Measurement Based on ISO/IEC 25023 Quality Model Case Study: Hospital Management Information System)
57. Andi Sri Kumala Putri Pr (Analysis of Millennial Entrepreneur Business Strategy Based on Digital Technology in Sidenreng Rappang Regency)
58. Andhika Pranata (Study of Inflow, Outflow and Water Balance of Lake Dendam Tak Sudah Bengkulu)
59. Iman Hidayat (Approach To Weighting the Success Criteria of Toll Road Project KPBU Procurement Model)
60. Raden Abel Zerach Jonathan (Design of Attendance System Based on Web and Mobile Case Study: Senior High School 1 Rantau Pulung)
61. Suardi (Analysis of Image Capture Techniques in Journalistic Photos of The Cik Puan Market Fire Disaster in Pekanbaru Online Media)
62. Athallah Nabiel Abhitah (Study of Gurney Flap as Passive Flow Control Method on NACA 4418)
63. Samuel Seprian Pakpahan (Risk Analysis of the Prijetan Dam in Lamongan Regency)
64. Sevialita Debora (Analysis of Cleaning Service Work Postures to Reduce Musculoskeletal Injuries with The
Posture Evaluation Index (PEI) approach at Hang Tuah 5 Sidoarjo High School)
65. Hajon Mahdy Mahmudin (Quran Learning Platform Innovation with Artificial Intelligence Deepspeech Technology using Design Sprint Method)
66. Diva Nuranty Yovanka (Analysis and Comparison of Server Migration Performance on Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform)
67. Muhammad Rizki Rahmantto (Line Balancing Analysis Using Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) and Region Approach (RA) Methods on Broad Plate Production Line at PT. Risa Implantama, Surabaya)
68. Cornelia Hildegardis (Analyzing the Effect of Wind Flow at Openings, Wall Density and Distance of Livestock Cages on the Spread of Malaria Mosquitoes Using Ecotect Simulation)
69. Dennis Hasnan Zulfialda (Prediction of Hydropower Plant Electricity Production Dependence on Weather Conditions Using the SARIMAX Model)
70. Deri Apriliyanto (Strategy Alignment and Performance Measurement System between PT. Semen Indonesia Tbk and Distributors Using the Balanced Score Card Method)
71. Noverto Marlin Suyono Sitohang (Analysis Implementation Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) uses Evaluation Maturity Level in business Animal & Nutrition Health)
72. Miftakhul Jannah Febriana (Analysis of The Effect of Position and Dimension of Infrared Burner on Heat Distribution And Efficiency of Butterfly Pea Flower Drying Oven (Clitoria Ternatea)
73. Aradila Tiara Putri (A Study of Rain Station Network Distribution Using Artificial Neural Networks)
74. Yunita Ardilla (Digitalization of Correspondence Information Systems Using Scrum Model)
75. Naomi Sidabutar (Building Supply Chain Resilience by Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Approach at PT
76. Areej Ghazi Abdulshaheed (A Survey of Soft Robot Actuation, Sensing, and Application)
77. Ariski Try Anggara (Design of a Web-Based Point of Sale (POS) System for Warung Bakso Megaria)
78. Farhan Ihza Mahendra (Design of a Web-Based Bus Rental Information System for PO Dika Trans)
79. Delinda Brilian (Optimization of Production Capacity Jumbo Bag by Method Theory of Constraints (TOC))
80. Bayu Santoso (Identification of Waste in the Outsole Production Process Using the Waste Assessment Model
(WAM) Method)
81. Nanda Riska Dewi (Integration of House of Risk (HOR) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) Methods In
Mitigation of Risk In The Sugar Production Process of PT.XYZ
82. Giovanni Ega Agustine (Sentiment Analysis of Bamboo Charcoal: Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for Effective Insights)
If it is not on the list above, it means it has already been published. Please check below: