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ournal La Sociale ISSN 2721-0847 (online) and ISSN 2721-0960 (Print) is published by Newinera Publisher. Journal La Sociale is an international journal open access and peer reviewed journal includes all the areas of research activities in all fields of Social Sciences such as Humanities, Law, Anthropology, History, Administration, Geography, Archeology, Communication, Criminology, Education, Government, policies, Linguistics, International Relations, Political Science, Geography, History, Law, Peace Studies, Psychology, Health, Economy, Trade, Arts, History, Literature, Religion, Marriage, Family Life, Philosophy, Sociology, Public Administration, Demography, Library Science, Journalism, Environmental Studies, Development Studies, International Relation Studies, Information Science, Media Studies, Market Research, Languages, Geospatial Information Science, Visual Arts, Drawing, Painting, Multicultural, Gender, Minority Studies, Women studies, Social Work, and Social Welfare.

The articles published in Journal La Sociale have been double blind-reviewed by peer reviewers. The decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not in this journal will be the Editorial Board’s right based on peer reviewer's recommendation.

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Update on Submission Deadlines for 2024 Issues


Dear Authors,

We would like to inform you that Journal La Sociale is no longer accepting submissions for the 2024 issues. We have reached our publication capacity for this year and are now focusing on the 2025 issues.

If you submit a paper from this point forward, please note that if your submission is accepted, it will be assigned to the 2025 issues. We encourage you to continue submitting your high-quality research and look forward to your contributions in the coming year.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of Journal La Sociale.

Best regards,
The Editorial Team
Journal La Sociale

Read more about Update on Submission Deadlines for 2024 Issues

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 6 (2024): Journal La Sociale
Published: 2024-08-05


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