Check Acceptance Letters

Please check the following list for new LoAs:

- Citra Krisna Mayasari (Effects of Propolis Supplementation on Malondialdehyde Levels and Superoxide
Dismutase Activity in Endometriosis Patients with Levonorgestrel Implant Therapy)


- Okkis Razuansyah Siregar (Factors Related to Glaucoma Patients at The Main Outpatient Clinic of Medan
Eye Center)

- Elsa Amalia Hariandini (Literature Review: The Effect of Ajwa Date Fruit Consumption on Fasting Blood
Sugar Levels in Perimenopausal Wome)


- Putu Adi Kusuma Wardhana (The Role of Omega 3 Fatty Acids on Muscle Mass: A Literature Review)


- Dwirini Retno Gunarti (Potential Role of Propolis Flavonoid on Malondialdehyde and Superoxide Dismutase Levels on Endometriosis)

- Siti Pandanwangi TW (A Systematic Review Of Knowledge And Perception Regarding Generic Medicines Among Indonesians)

- Yan Wirayudha (Neurological Deafness Incidence Based on Diabetes Mellitus and Gender)

- Andi Ismawardany Imran (Relationship between Nutritional Status and Postoperative Outcomes of Breast Cancer at Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar)

- Elviza Fahriani (Different Effects of Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocecarus Polyrhizus) And White Dragon Fruit (Hylocecarus Undatus) Extract on Reducing Total Cholesterol Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Male Wistar Strain)

- Evi Mefriyanti (The Effect of Giving Celery Extract on Testicular Function of Wistar White Rats Exposed to Lead Acetate)

- Dewi Sartika (Analysis of Factors Associated with Stunting Incidents in Toddlers in the Working Area of Ketapang II Community Health Center, East Kotawaringin Regency)

- Kasmari (Analysis of Factors Associated with the Incident of Hypertension in Pregnancy (HDK) Study at RSUD dr. H. Andi Abdurrahman Noor, Tanah Bumbu Regency)

- Jihan Azzahra (The Role of Microbiota in the Occurrence of Obesity)

- Syamsu Rijal (Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Former Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Case Report)

- Safina Audiva Amanda (Immunomodulatory effects of ethanol extract of lime peel (Citrus aurantifolia) on
phagocytosis activity and delayed-type hypersensitivity response)

- Sitti Zhahirah Khairunnisah (Characteristics of Post-Stroke Pain)

-Muftihatur Rahma (Case Report: Effect of Ajwa Dates on Calcium Levels in Perimenopausal Women)

- Ade Utari Bungsu (Bibliometric Analysis of Health Information System (HIS) Research Developments in Developing Countries in Asia)

- Muh Alif Fadillah (Literature Review: Effects of Turmeric on Reducing Lipid Profile)

- Ade Melia Rositian (The Effect of Health Promotion with Pop-Up Book Media on Elementary School
Students' Knowledge and Practice of Dental Caries Prevention)

- Nining Nuraeni (Research on the Selection of AI Vaccine Seeds with The Hi Method Approach to Improve The Quality of Avian Infuenza (AI) Vaccines)

- Uly Aanda Maria Nugraheni Pasaribu (Microbioma in Aging Skin)

- Talitha Syafira Nurhayati (Factors Influencing Smoking Habits Among Adolescents in Tegal Rejo Village,
Medan Perjuangan District)

- Victoria Kesha Ayunarendra (The Influence of Efficacy and Threat Messages on The Intention To Complete The Covid-19 Booster Vaccination: An Experimental Study Of University Students)

- Indah Dian Purnama (Case Report: Hypertension Accompanied By Obesity With Herbal Consumption
Of Soursop Leaf Boiling)

- Sri Asmawati Arsa (Case Report: Grade II Hypertension Accompanied by Obesity with Herbal Consumption of Propolis)

- Ajeng Sekar Palupi (Determination of Total Phenolic Content in Kersen Leaf Extract (Muntingia calabura L.) and Antioxidant Activity Test Using the FRAP Method (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power)

- M. Hamsah (Case Report: The Effect of Consuming Ajwa Dates on LDL Levels in Perimenopausal Women)

- Vidya Syifarani Nst (The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Performance of Inpatient Nurses at Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan)

- A. Ridhah Nurmy Attahmid (Literature Review: An Overview of Moderate Lifestyle on the Incidence of Obesity)

- M. Hamsah (Case Report: The Effect of Ajwa Date Consumption on Total Cholesterol Levels in Perimenopausal Women) 

- Ulfa Fadilla Dalimunthe (Analysis of early detection implementation in communicable disease program at
elderly posyandu in wet rice, Langkat Regency)

- Oktavia Sukmayati Siregar (Analysis of Public Attitudes Regarding the Use of JKN Mobile)

- Adinda Alfi Azizah (The Impact of Oral Maternal Colostrum Administration on the Immune System of
Premature Babies)

- Pramisyela Adinda Putri (Service Quality Analysis with Service Performance and Importance Performance Analysis in Hospital X)

- Harry Kamijantono (Risk Factors and Ergonomic Influence on Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Work Environment)

- Reyhan Muhammad Farras (The Effectiveness of Nutritional Interventions on Hypertension Control: A Meta-Analysis)

- Desi Rambe (Relationship Between Workload and Work Fatigue in Employees of Production Department of PT. Milano Aek Batu, South Labuhanbatu Regency)

- Andi Sarbiah (Relationship Between Sitting Position and Sitting Duration with Low Back Pain Complaints in Back Office at PT. X Batam City)

- Madeline Angeline Tobing (Analysis of the Performance of Pharmacy Staff During Distribution of Medication
Using the Ahp and Rating Scale Method at Hermina Hospital Medan)

- Asep Hermawan (The Role of Effective Communication in Reducing Medication Errors in Pharmacy Practice)

- Yosi Darmirani (Implementation Of Pharmaceutical Care for Hypertension Patients in Puskesmas
(Communty Health Center) Lubuk Pakamdeli Serdang)

- Hasniza Zaman Huri (Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes of Diabetic and Diabetic Patients with Hypertension Vaccinated With Sinovac Vaccine)

- Nelsa Putri Rahmasari (The Relationship of Workload and Job Stress With Work Fatigue in Krupuk
Factory Employees in Dolopo Madiun District)

- Nur Purnama Sari (The Relationship of Menstrual Hygiene Behavior with Menstrual Cycle Disorders
in Female Prisoners in Class II B Women's Prison Padang City: A Sequential Explanatory Analysis)

- Maria Sheila Setya Ningtyas (Clinical Outcome of Diabetes Patients Complicated with Asthma Using

- Dwi Irma Mayang Sri (Systematic Review: Analysis of the Impact of Hydrated Lime (Cao) Exposure on
Coal Mining Workers)

- Ivani (Cutaneus T-Cell Lymphoma (Ctcl) in 53 Years Old Woman: Histopathological Features)

- Laura Noviani (Profile of Shingles Patients in Outpatient Settings Dermatology and Venereology Dr Moewardi Hospital Surakarta)

- Vrenda Alia (Sukralfat as a Therapy for Reducing Itching and Repairing the Skin Barrier: A Systematic Review)

- Raad Ajam Sayal (Evaluation of TNF-α Concentration Level in Al-Najaf Hospitals Patients Infected with Hydatid Cysts)

- Nadia Alaydrus (Exercise promotes miRNAs’ change in cardiac fibrosis)

- Mega Haryani (Description of the Characteristics of Patients with Acute Respiratory Infections
Who Use Antibiotics in Hospital X)

- Selma Nissa Budi Iftiyastuti (The Relationship between the Classic Triad of Meningitis and Types of Meningitis)

- Ahmad (Management of Immature Cataract and Islamic View of the Disease)

- Septia Suherlis (The Relationship Between Knowledge, Information Exposure, and Cadre Support with Mothers' Visits for Under-Five Weighing Coverage in the Working Area)

- Ardhiyanti Puspita Ratna (Combination of Moderate Intensity Exercise and Rose Petals Yoghurt Alters Blood Pressure and Soluble Rage Level in High Advanced Glycation end Products Diet Induced Wistar Rat)

- Alfina Widyatara (Model of the Relationship between Workload and Motivation to Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction)

- Shinta Septia Iswidyanti (Therapeutic Communication in Providing Psychological and Social Support to Cancer Patients for the 'Surabaya Hebat' Cadre)

- Sitti Zhaharah Khairunnisah (Relationship between Sleep Quality and Vertigo Incidence in College Students)

- Musni (A Processing of Milkfish and Moringa Flour as Alternative Superfoods for Handling Stunting in Bone Regency)

- Ramadanil (The Relationship between Working Time and Fatigue of Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Medan)

- Triade Marthendro (Management of Anesthesia in Mandibular Tumors with Difficult Airway)

- Markus Sastra Eli Zebua (Factors Influencing the Implementation of The Hospital Management Information System (Simrs) on The Quality of Service at Betehesda Gunungsitoli RSU)

Nurul Hidayati (Profile Of Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Inpatient Installation at Dr. Moewardi General Hospital Surakarta)

- Triade Marthendro (Anesthesia Management of Patients with Esophageal Atresia/Traceoesophageal
Fistula undergoing Thoracostomy and Esophagostomy Procedures)

- Anak Agung Sagung Dewi Novitalia (Analysis of Affecting Factors to Patient Safety Incident at Mitra Medika Amplas Hospital)

- Muhammad Alief Akbar (Effectiveness of Chronic Disease Management Program in Lowering Blood
Pressure in Hypertensive Patients: Literature Review)

- Firmawati (Anxiety Score in Anxiety Patients Using Slow Deep Breathing Relaxation Therapy)

- Firmawati (The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Mood Management on SAD PERSON Screening with Suicide Risk at the Limboto Health Center)

- Noer Fitri Zhachrani (Relationship between Family Support and Quality of Life in Stroke Patients)

- Anita Pramawati (Sanitation Control of Ferry Ports in Tanjung Harapan Harbor, Selat Panjang)

- Nisrina Asysyifa (In Vitro Anti-inflammatory Effect of Secretome from Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in COVID-19 Patient Blood: A Study on sIL-6R, sgp130, IL-1RA and Anti/pro Inflammatory Cytokines)

- Yuda Ardiansyah (Evaluation And Proposal Repair Safety Culture Maturity Use Safety Model Canvas in Manufacturing Companies)

- Maratun Ulaa (The Effect of Listening to Murotal Al-Quran on Anxiety of Pregnant Women with Preeclampsi)

- Fulatul Anifah (Habits of Drinking Herbal Medicine in Postpartum Mothers in the Working Area of PD 'Aisyiyah Bangkalan Regency)

- Irman Permana (Correlation of Mother's Outlook of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Stunting in Border Area of West-Central Java Province)

- Muhammad Imam Arya (Sunscreen: Assessing Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Sunscreen Usage Among
Students for Skin Cancer Prevention)

- Yunus Abdul Bari (Scalenectomy Anterior Is an Option for Thoracal Outlet Syndrome)

- Nadhira Ahadea Noorsy (The Relationship of Macronutrient Intake and Sleep Duration to Nutritional
Status in Students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

- Boyke Marthin Simbolon (Comparison of Pain Scale and Duration of Early Mobilization After Cesarean Section Surgery Using Eracs Tap Block Method with Eracs Without Tap Block)

- Khalda Fakhirah Syahbana (Evaluation of Sectio Cesaria Response Time to Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes
in Severe Preeclampsia - Eclampsia Patients)

- I Putu Aditya Anggriawan (Meningitis Streptococcus suis (MSS) Outbreak Investigation in Blimbing Sari
Village, Jembrana Bali)

- Ni Luh Ayu Sukmawathi (Implementation of the Dengue Fever (DHF) Surveillance System at the
Klungkung District Health Office)

- Zulfi Wirman Hadi (Analysis of The Differences in The Quality of Life of Pulmonary Tb and Diabetes Mellitus Patients)

- Vony Intan Prasasty (Literature Review: Analysis of Saponins in Several Plants by HPLC Method and Its Utilization in Pharmaceutical Products)

- Amanda Via Maulinda (Utilization of Complementary Therapy to Reduce Anxiety in Prospective Acceptors of Long-Term Contraceptive Methods)

- Ani Media Harumi (Relationship Between Antenatal Care History and Parenting Patterns With The Incidence Of Stunting In Toddlers)

- Novita Eka Kusuma Wardani (The Role of Psychoeducation in Preventing Stunting: Tackling Early Marriage Culture in Adolescent)

- Siti Mar'atus Sholikah (Continuity of Care (COC) Approach for High-Risk Pregnant Women: Its Impact on Family Independence in Childbirth Preparation)

- Suhastinah (Analysis of Compliance Factors of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis at Brigjend Hospital. H. Hasan Basry Kandangan)

- Norjanah Sulastri (Analysis of Factors Associated with Utilization of Posyandu Elderly Health Services in the Panarung Puskesmas Working Area)

- Dina Kartika (Literature Review: Analysis of Factors Associated with the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers at The Liang Anggang Health Centre in Banjarbaru City)

- Melwani Amran (Description of Methadone Dose Usage of Methadone Maintenance Therapy Program (PTRM) Patients in Tangerang Raya)

- Winny Tjongarta (Effectiveness of Topical Honey Application on Wound Healing: Literature Review Study)

- Erawati (Antibacterial Effectiveness of Golden Garlic Against Gram-Positive Bacteria from Diabetic Ulcer Patients with High CRP Levels)

- Fadli Syamsuddin (The Effect of Giving Warm Compress Using Hotpack on Increasing Body Temperature in Post-Operative Patients with Hypothermia in The Recovery Room Prof. Dr. Aloeisaboe Hospital, Gorontalo City)

- Made Ayu Meita Wulandari A (The Relationship Between HBA1C Level and Total Cholesterol in Type 2 Diabetes
Patients at Gianyar Police Clinic) 

- Kristin Nadia Berliani (Genital Herpes in Pregnancy a Literature Review)

- Muh Vikram (Prevalence of Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Ibnu Sina Hospital)

- Husna Yetti (Program of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) For Women of Childbearing Age Based on Healthcare Service Accessibility in Kampar Regency, Riau Province)

- Anjelia Farmana Ashari (Case Report: Effect of Ajwa Dates on Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio of Perimenopausal Women)

- Septyan Wahyu Pambagyo (Comparison of Treatment Characteristics of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (Omsk) at Mamajang Health Center, Jongaya Health Center and Minasa Upa Health Center in Makassar City)

- Ardy Mulyono (The Relationship Between the Length of Hemodialysis with the Level of Depression in Patients in The Hemodialysis Room)

- Ayu Idaningsih (Scoping Review: Pregnant Women with HIV: Difficulties Faced and Coping Strategies)

- Ridwansyah (Validity and Reliability Test of the Office Syndrome Screening Questionnaire)

- Haji Ariati (Analysis of Risk Factors Associated with Maternal Mortality for the Period of 2022-2023 in City X)

- Hadijah Basalamah (Visual Outcomes of Senile Cataract Patients Post-Cataract Surgery at JEC-Orbita Eye Clinic Makassar)

- Eriana Mayasari Husna (The Nurses’ Mental Burden in Utilizing Electronic Medical Records in Hospitals)

- Multiansyah (Analysis of Risk Factors for Anemia in Pregnant Women in the Sebabi Health Center Working Area)

- Syarif Abdullah (Analysis of Risk Factors Associated with Measles Incidence in Toddlers in South Halmahera Regency)

- Fitria Aswad (Analysis of Implementation of Effective Communication For Patient Safety By Strengthening Risk Management In The Inpatient Room of RSU X Padang City)

- Lisa Kristiani Sinaga (The Influence of Smoking Habits on the Incidence of Prostate Carcinoma)

- Florida Novistianasari (Influence Chair Yoga Exercise on Decreasing The Risk of Falls For The Elderly)

- Raissa Febrina (Strategic Planning of Dental and Oral Hospital Andalas University 2025 – 2029)

- Novri Yanto (The Influence of Family Support and Emotional Intelligence on Self-Acceptance in Kidney Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis)

- Nurul Hidayati (Retrospective Study of Seborrhoic Dermatitis Patients at The Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Installation of Dr. Moewardi Surakarta)

- Hawa Dzulhijjah (Effectiveness of Topical Tranexamic Acid in The Treatment of Melasma)

- Vidya Putri Kinanti (Effectiveness of Oral Tranexamic Acid in The Treatment of Melasma: a Systematic Review)

- Awalia (The Effect of Black Rice Extract on Lipid Profile Changes in Hypercholesterolemic Mice (Mus musculus)

- Fendi Ntobuo (The Relationship Between Social Support and Work Stress with Burnout In Igd And ICU Nurses of Dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie Hospital)

- Lisma Natalia Br Sembiring (The Effect of Health Promotion about HIV/AIDS on Adolescents’ Knowledge at
Kaureh State Senior High)


If it is not on the list above, it means it has already been published. Please check below: