Journal La Lifesci <p>International <strong>Journal La </strong><strong>Lifesci</strong>&nbsp; ISSN 2721-1207 (online) and ISSN 2721-1304 (Print) includes all the areas of research activities in all fields of Life Sciences such as Agricultural, Fisheries, Earth, Environmental Science, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Ecology, Ethnobiology, Biodiversity And Conservation Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry , Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Biostatistics, Cytobiology Developmental Biology, Entomology, Immunology , Molecular Biology, Virology, agronomy, plant and animal breeding, agricultural economics and rural sociology,&nbsp; Veterinary science, Ornithology, Primatology, Biogeography, Histology, Marine biology, Biochemical Sciences Aquaculture, Fishery Hydrography, Fishery Engineering, Aquatic ecosystem, Fish farming, Fisheries management, Fishery Biology, Wild fisheries, Ocean fisheries, and all fields related to life sciences.</p> en-US (Andrew Setiawan Rusdianto) (Mujib Hasib) Fri, 15 Nov 2024 07:56:39 +0700 OJS 60 Role of Lemna minor (L.) plant in change of pH values of Aquatic system <p><em>The current study documented the ability of Lemna minor plants floating in the Shatt Al-Kufa / Euphrates River and grown invitro to affect in pH water, as the results showed wide variation in readings. Highest value recorded in the 1st week with 8 at T2 and T3, while the lowest value was in the 2nd and 3rd week with only 6.9 at T3 and T1 respectively. The T1 treatment of understudy plant was unique from the rest of the treatments, by continuing in decline the water pH values until the end of the experiment. The reasons for the increase or decrease pH values of water are attributed to the Lemna minor content of some minerals and the absence of other minerals.</em></p> Furqan Yahya Jawad Sharba, Zainab Abd Ameer Mohammed, Furqan Saddam Salman, Taghreed Fakhir Gaber Zwayen Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Thu, 14 Nov 2024 15:55:22 +0700 Characteristics of Asprosin and Some Biochemical in Prediabetic Pregnant Women Presenting with UTIs <p><em>Diabetes can exacerbate the infection since pregnant women with diabetes had a higher incidence of UTI (29.9%) than pregnant women without diabetes (11.1%). This study investigated the percentage of patients who had a urinary tract infection (UTI) in order to evaluate the function of paternal genetics in the development of DM and ascertain the effect of DM on the urinary system. The study comprised 90 pregnant women, ages 25 to 50, with and without diabetes mellitus (DM) in comparison to control pregnant women. The blood sugar levels and diabetes mellitus were determined both clinically and in a private, specialized laboratory. There was information on the age, etiology, and family history of diabetes. Bacterial species were isolated and identified using culture media and biochemical assays. Patients with UTIs were mostly female (73%) in proportion. To sum up, type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent, particularly in women, and it rises with age. Family genetic susceptibility and abrupt shocks were the primary causes of diabetes mellitus. The majority of diabetes individuals, particularly women, experienced UTIs, and the primary reasons of UTI inflammation were also shown by the current study.&nbsp; Insulin-resistant mice and humans have pathologically elevated levels of asprosin, a new hormone that has been found to be concentrated in white adipose tissue. However, there is currently no information available about asprosin's involvement in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aim of our study was to determine whether there might connection between prediabetic pregnant women presenting with and circulating asprosin levels.</em></p> Lamia H.A. Al-Sultan, Nour Saeed Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Fri, 15 Nov 2024 07:56:24 +0700 In Vitro Inhibition Test of Turmeric and in Vivo Total Bacterial Count in the Intestinal Digesta of Mojosari Duck Fed Diet Containing Graded Levels of Turmeric <p><em>This study aimed to determine the inhibition value of turmeric (Curcuma longa) against Salmonella and Escherichia coli and evaluate the bacterial population in the small intestinal digesta of Mojosari ducks. This study was arranged using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six treatments and four replications; eachreplication consisted of eight Mojosari ducks.The in vitro study used four treatments of different concentrations of turmeric, consisting of Control/only water (C0), turmeric 98% + 2% water(C1), Probiotic 98% and 2% water (C2), turmeric 92%, and probiotic 8% (C3),and Bacitracin 92% + water 8% (C4). Then, the inhibition zone diameter was measured using the agar well diffusion method. On the other hand, the in vivo study was carried out by employing 192 Mojosari duck raised for 60 days. They were given the following dietary treatments, namely T0= basal diet, T1= basal diet supplemented with turmeric 0.2%, T2= basal diet supplemented with supplemented with turmeric 0.8%, T3= basal diet supplemented with turmeric 0.2%+probiotic 0.1% and T4=feed basal supplemented with supplemented with turmeric 0.8% + probiotic 0.6%, and T5 = basal diet + Zinc Bacitracin 0.01%. The variables measured were the total bacterial population based on the Total Plate Count (TPC) in the small intestinal digesta of Mojosari ducks.&nbsp; The Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The differences among means were tested using theLeast Significant Difference (LSD) test.</em></p> Widiastuti Ardiansyah, Dewi Shinta Achmad, Muh Firyal Akbar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Mon, 30 Dec 2024 13:18:16 +0700 Organoleptic Perspective of Coffee Skin Eco-enzyme as a Zero Waste Alternative in Plantation Areas <p><em>Coffee was a high-value plantation commodity in Indonesia, contributing significantly to farmers' income and the national economy. However, increased coffee production also generated coffee skin waste that was often discarded, creating challenges in organic waste management. This study aimed to process coffee skin waste into eco-enzyme through fermentation process, which could be utilised as organic fertiliser and natural cleaner. For four months, organoleptic observations were made on the eco-enzyme produced, including, colour, pH, volume, and texture. Results showed that the colour of the solution transitioned from light brown to dark brown. pH decreased from 7 to 4 as microbial activity increased. The volume of the solution decreased from 500 mL to 240 mL due to gas release during fermentation. These findings suggested that processing coffee skin waste not only reduced environmental pollution but also increased the economic value of coffee industry by-products. This study provided insight into the potential for sustainable utilisation of coffee waste and supported environmentally friendly agricultural practices.</em></p> Bagas Aditya Aditya, Andari Puji Astuti; Ratna Anggianti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Mon, 30 Dec 2024 13:27:14 +0700 Strategy for Improving Rice Agroindustry Production Processes Based on Green Value Stream Mapping <p><em>The rice agroindustry faces challenges due to high inefficiency and negative environmental impacts from excessive resource use. This study aims to improve production processes using Green Value Stream Mapping (GVSM) to reduce non-value-added activities and optimize natural resource usage. The research involves literature review, field observation, interviews, brainstorming, and expert opinions. The production process from seeds to distribution consumes 265 kWh of energy and 8 million liters of water, generates 10,532 kg of waste, and impacts 1.2 hectares of biodiversity. The study confirms that the GVSM strategy enhances operational efficiency and contributes to broader environmental sustainability. The research provides practical guidelines for rice agroindustry companies to implement more environmentally friendly and efficient production practices.</em></p> Kiki Yulianto, Sahadi Didi Ismanto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Mon, 30 Dec 2024 14:31:46 +0700 Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Social Forestry Groups Members towards Mitigation Actions in the Forestry Sector <p><em>Social Forestry Groups (KPS) are the main target for implementing forestry sector mitigation activities at the site level, therefore the success of forestry sector mitigation is largely determined by the contribution of KPS involvement. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the mitigation activities will be successfully implemented by KPS by measuring knowledge, attitudes, behaviors associated with the role of each member in the KPS institution and how the performance of the KPS is good or still needs to be improved. This study was conducted in the Management Area of UPTD KPH Region XI Kikim Pasemah with the research objects of KTH Luang Kering and KTH Sungai Geruntang from July to September 2023. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the study showed that the level of knowledge of KPS members regarding climate change (10.42%) and mitigation (12.5 %). The respondents' attitudes showed a positive response to forestry sector mitigation activities (T Score&gt; 50%). The behavior of most respondents towards the implemantation of mitigation activities by groups is not good, even though their attitudes support the implementation of mitigation actions, they stil play participatory role in climate change mitigation activities.</em></p> Mega Rita Utami, Elisa Wildayana, Febrian Hadinata Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Tue, 31 Dec 2024 10:24:43 +0700 Status of Scake Fishing Gear Technology in Cirebon Waters <p><em>This study aims to evaluate the status of the technology of the rake fishing gear used in Cirebon waters. This evaluation is important to understand the effectiveness and environmental impacts of the fishing gear in local fisheries activities. The research method used involves a descriptive approach with primary data collection through direct observation in the field and interviews with local fishermen. In addition, secondary data was obtained from literature and related reports relevant to the use of rake fishing gear. The results of the study indicate that the technology of the rake fishing gear in Cirebon waters has certain characteristics that affect the catch and sustainability of marine resources. This study also found that although this fishing gear is efficient in catching fish, its use requires better management to minimize negative impacts on the marine ecosystem.</em></p> Auliya Al Bayyinah, Pramuji Sandisasmita, Devi Nurkhasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of the Impact of Soybean Price Increases on the Availability of Soybean Stocks in the Somber Small Industrial Center Area of Balikpapan City <p><em>Soybeans have a major role in the Indonesian economy, as they are the main source of raw materials in various industries. The objectives of this study are to identify factors affecting the increase in soybean prices, develop a dynamic system modelling related to the increase in soybean prices, calculate the availability of soybeans against the effect of soybean prices, and develop alternative policy recommendations to meet the needs of soybeans in the productivity of tempeh and tofu in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Applying system dynamics with Powersim uses a causal loop diagram to translate the variables that affect the availability of soybeans to meet the demand for soybeans. The results of this study show that the value of E1 for the sub-model of the rate of import activities is 1.0%, the availability of soybeans is 1.0%, and the need for soybeans is 0.99%, so E1 is declared Valid The value of E2 for the sub-model of the rate of import activities is 0%, the availability of soybeans is 0.622%, the need for soybeans is 0.325% so the value of E2 is declared valid. The forecasting variable of the rate of import activities in this study affects the availability and demand for soybeans. The availability variable influences the fulfilment of soybean demand. Balikpapan City can achieve soybean self-sufficiency for the following years if the needs have been met.</em></p> Wagimin, Wahyu Ismail Kurnia, Anwar Fattah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Investigation of Rota Virus Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Infants and Childern in Al-Najaf Governorate <p><em>The study aims to investigate Rota virus in vaccinated and unvaccinated infants&nbsp; and childern in Al-Najaf governorate. To achieve this goal, collect 684 samples from Al-Zahraa Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Children in Al-Najaf governorate, through the period from 7 January 2024 A.D. to 1 December 2024 A.D. This study has revealed that the rota virus can be detected in stool samples from infants and children patients.The detection of Rota virus&nbsp; infections in samples has occurred by using immunochromatographic test (Rota virus rapid test kit). The Rota virus antigens has been detected in (463 out of 684) or (68%) in patients while&nbsp; remain as not found or negative result with virus&nbsp; (221out of 684) or 32%. The present study show the distribution of infants and children patients according to age. The age of patients&nbsp; with viral infections showed that the highest frequency&nbsp; was in age group A1 (23%) and the lowest frequency was in age group A4 and A5 (18%). All patients age group were selected in order to ensure comparable frequency distribution. In this study showed the symptomes that linked with rota virus infections in both vaccinated and unvaccinated cases, The first dose of rotarix vaccine show high percentage associated mild diarrhea (72%) and low percentage in other gastroentrites&nbsp; symptoms (12%). While the result with second dose of rotarix vaccine show high percentage associated other gastroentrites&nbsp; symptoms (87%) and low percentage in severe diarrhea (2%).</em></p> Zeena Kareem Gihad Copyright (c) 2024 Journal La Lifesci Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700