Check Acceptance Letters

Please check the following list for new LoAs:

1. Teuku Yan W. M. Iskandarsyah, Dwi Suyandi Pasa Wijaya, Boy Yoseph  (Groundwater Potential of The East and North Sides of Gunungmasigit Village (Case Study: PPSDM Geominerba Kesdm Field Campus)

2. Tri Joko Santoso (Optimization of PCR Analysis Based on Start Codon Targeted Markers (SCoT Markers) for Identification of Genetic Variation of Seaweed from Central Sulawesi)

3. Namirah Nurjiranah Azizah (Testing The Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Manila Sauce Leaves (Manilkara Zapota L) Against Bacteria Escherichia Coli: in Vitro Study

4. Rita Hayati (Testing Alternative Hydroponic Nutrition of Wick System on Vegetable Growth Planted in Limited Land)

5. Prastuti Dwi Hartini (The Success Rate of Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Using Assisted Hatching (AH) Laser and Tyrode Acid Chemical Methods on Day 3 and D5 Embryos)

6. Hiba Aeiad Husham (Study of some immunologic parameters in aborted women infected with Toxoplasma gondii)

7. Hasanain A.J. Gharban (Article Review: Skin Diseases in Dromedary Camels)

8. Haidar Jabbar Kareem (Assess The Opinions of Nurses in Hospitals in The Al-Diwaniah Governorate on
The Most Common Drug Errors And The Factors that Lead To Them)

9. Ali A. Shatti (Serological detection of Toxoplasma gondii in animals and human in Baghdad province, Iraq)

10. Amer Abdullah Hussein Al-Jubouri (Role of plant density on vegetative growth and yield of four faba bean cultivars (Vicia faba L .) 

11. Khaled Mustafa Ali Al-Sharabi (Role of NPK fertilizer and planting dates on the vegetative and flowering growth attributes of two varieties of Snake melon)

12. Ghasik Aqeele (Traditional Detection of Intestinal Helminths in Stray Cats in Wasit Province, Iraq)

13. Lenny Widjayanthi (Learning from Community Practices: Social Capital of Farming Communities In
Supporting Sustainable Agriculture)

14. Muhamad Casroni (Implementation of Millennial Farmer Development Policy in Bogor Regency)

15. Hasanain A.J. Gharban (Physiological Impact of Nicotine on Rats)

16. All Free Shella (Tourist-Based Waste Management with Deposit Refund Implementation in Manggar Beach Area, Balikpapan Indonesia)

17. Rizky Wanda Prastika (Antibacterial Activity of Seligi Leaf Extracts and Fractions (Phyllanthus Buxifolius Muell. Arg) Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria and Their Bioautography)

18. Diana Pangastuti (Fat Content and Antioxidant Activity in Coconut Milk-Based Ice Cream With Cashew Milk Combination)

19. Salsa Iwank Afifa (Test of Total Solids and Melting Rate of Coconut Milk-Based Ice Cream Combined With Cashew Milk)

20. Nerita Afriana (Protein Content and Overrun Value in Coconut Milk-Based Ice Cream with Cashew Milk Combination)

21. Dinda Dian Tiwi (Quality Test Of Drinks From Pepaya (Carica papaya) Tip With Addition Of Nangka
Fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.))

22. Farah Ali Hameed (Investigation of the resistance of Klebsiella bacteria to antibiotics and the synthesis
of virulence factors isolated from various pathogenic infections)

23. Silvi Dwina (The Effect of Use of Cow Manure on The Growth of Two Cultivars of Black Soybean ( Glycine Max L.) Using a Verticulture Planting System)

24. Riska Wulandari Sitorus (Village Chicken Cultivation Improvement Strategy in Increasing Family Income: Case Study of MARS (Multi Business Livestock) Cultivation)

25. Radityazty Dahayu Nurhayati (Effects of the Addition of Local Microorganism Bioactivators (MOLs) to Tomato
Waste and EM4 on the Composite Quality of Market Waste with Coffee Waste Source)

26. Mochamad Setyo Wicaksono (Farmers' Behavior in Facing Risks in Ginger Farming in Teluk Empening Village, Terentang District, Kuburaya Regency)

27. Kintoko (Integrated Ethnomedicine Study in Silico of Medicinal Plants for Hypertension Used by Jamu Vendors at Beringharjo Jamu Market, Yogyakarta)

28. Ipan Sihite (The Value of Ecological Wisdom in the Oral Story of the Toba Batak "Tombak Sulu Sulu": An Ethnographic Study in the Bakkara Valley)

29. Furqan Yahya Jawad Sharba (Role of Lemna minor (L.) plant in change of pH values of Aquatic system)

30. Jabbar Jassim Hamady (Physiological Therapeutic Protective Function of Thymoquinone on Mice Fertility)

31. Wagimin (Analysis of The Impact of Soybean Price Increases on The Availability of Soybean Stocks in The Somber Small Industrial Center Area of Balikpapan City)

32. Lamia H.A. Al-Sultan (Characteristics of Asprosin and Some Biochemical in Prediabetic Pregnant Women
Presenting with UTIs)

33. Mega Rita Utami (Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Social Forestry Groups Members in UPTD KPH Region XI Kikim Pasemah Towards Mitigation Actions in The Forestry Sector)

34. Kiki Yulianto (Strategy for Improving Rice Agroindustry Production Processes Based on Green Value Stream Mapping (GVSM))

35. Bagas Aditya (Organoleptic Perspective of Coffee Skin Eco-enzyme (coffee sp) as a Zero Waste Alternative in Plantation Areas)

36. Isra’a M. Essa (Article Review: Haemosporidian Parasites in Domestic and Wild Birds)

37. Widiastuti Ardiansyah (In Vitro Inhibition Test of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and In Vivo Total Bacterial Count in the Intestinal Digesta of Mojosari Duck Fed Diet Containing Graded Levels of Turmeric)

38. Zeena Kareem Gihad (Investigation of Rota virus between vaccinated and unvaccinated infants and childern in Al-Najaf governorate)

39. Malika Mulyawati (Application of Several Concentrations of Palm Fiber Liquid Organic Fertilizer and the Composition of Planting Media on The Growth of Moringa (Moriga Olifera L.) Plants

If it is not on the list above, it means it has already been published. Please check below: