Check Acceptance Letters

Please check the following list for new LoAs:

1. Tri Susanto A. Madanun (Teaching Strategies and How to Study Pai Teaching Materials)

2. Friska Mokoagow (Development of the Islamic Cultural History Subject Curriculum (A Study and Application Based on KMA Numbers 183 and 184 of 2019) at Mts Ma'arif Nu Toruakat)

3. Kiman Dama (Curriculum Development for Al-Qur'an Hadith Subjects in Madrasas (A Study and Application based on KMA Numbers 183 and 184 of 2019)

4. Zulkifli T. Pawelay (Development of the Moral Aqidah Subject Curriculum in Madrasas (A Study and Application Based on KMA Numbers 183 and 184 of 2019)

5. Astrid Chofivah (The Use of Youtube Videos to Increase Student Motivation in Islamic Date Subjects at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul)

6. Hardiyanti Lasmi (Dormitory Education from the Aspect of Effective Dormitory Management)


8. Dinda Mayang Sari (Analysis of TikTok Utilization as a Reference Source for Students of UIN North Sumatra Library Science Study Program)

9. Muhammad Syahruddin Fahri (Stunting Literacy Strategy of the library and archives office of Labuhanbatu Utara district: Increasing Public Awareness and Understanding)

10. Fransisca Heny Handayani (Enhancing Teacher Competence in the Use of Learning Media Through
Academic Supervision)

11. Annisa Nursalimah (The Role of Librarians as Digital Curators in the Digital Information Era)

12. Atika Amanah (Understanding the Role of Personality and Emotional Factors in Learners' Metacognitive Performance)

13. Novita Rahmadani (Optimizing the Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog as a Means of
Information Retrieval in Libraries)

14. Alfidah Rahmasari Nurhidayati, Nabila Yasmin (Effectiveness of Storytelling Tradition Class in Developing Children's Literacy at Rumah Baca Rambutan)

15. Daindo Milla (The Application of Project-Based Learning with Constructivism Theory in Enhancing Creativity of Elementary School Students: A Literature Review)

16. Abdul Hamid Aly (Exploring AI's ethical impact on teacher-student dynamics in English language learning)

17. Mimin Aminah (A Sociolinguistic Approach to Language Levels in Social Interaction and Cultural Identity)

18. Fitri Rahmadhani (The Effectiveness of Differentiating Mathematics Learning in Arithmetic Sequence to Support Computational Thinking Ability)

19. Ida Maulida (Implications of the Theory of Meaning in Language Learning: Perspectives on Language Acquisition on the ESP Classroom)



If it is not on the list above, it means it has already been published. Please check below: