IT applications in education and Self-directed learning capacity

  • La Nhu Hai Ho Chi Minh University of Foreign Languages (HUFLIT), HCM city Vietnam
  • Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy International University of Japan, Niigata, Japan – Banking University HCMC Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
  • Pham Hung Nhan Political School of Ca Mau Province, Vietnam
Keywords: Differentiated teaching, ICT applications, Informatics teaching, self-directed learning capacity


For differentiated teaching methods in Vietnam, educators only focus on intellectual ability which is provided in academic report cards. Overlooking psychological and cognitive factors leads to poor performance of differentiated teaching in high school in Vietnam. This application of technology in teaching helps teachers to prepare lessons quickly through available lecture templates, and at the same time take advantage of many resources such as videos, images, electronic documents, etc. help attract learners and improve teaching effectiveness.

How to Cite
Hai, L. N., Huy, D. T. N., & Nhan, P. H. (2022). IT applications in education and Self-directed learning capacity . Journal La Edusci, 3(5), 181-189.