Optimizing the Utilization of Online Public Access Catalog as a Means of Information Retrieval in Libraries
This study aims to explore the optimization of the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) as an information retrieval tool in the Library of SMA Negeri 3 Medan, focusing on identifying the challenges and barriers to its effective use. A qualitative descriptive approach was employed, utilizing interviews, observations, and documentation as data collection methods. Interviews were conducted with a librarian and three students, while observations focused on the practical issues related to OPAC usage. The findings reveal that the use of OPAC in the library is not optimal, with challenges including system integration difficulties, insufficient librarian training, and limited user familiarity. Efforts to enhance OPAC usage involve promoting OPAC awareness, increasing computer access points, and ongoing system maintenance. However, the effectiveness of these measures is hindered by technical and educational constraints, highlighting the need for targeted interventions to fully leverage OPAC's potential in improving library services.
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