Journal La Bisecoman
<p>International <strong>Journal La Bisecoman </strong>ISSN 2721-124X (Online) and 2721-0987 (Print) includes all the areas of research activities in all fields under Business, Economics, and Management such as Financial Management, Accounting, Administrative System, Brand Innovation and Brand Management, Management, Business Economics, Business Administration, Energy Management, Environmental Management, Public Sector Management, Facilities Planning and Management, Marketing Management, Finance, Foodservice Management, Global Manufacturing and Management, Human Resource Management, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology Management, Knowledge Management, Management Information System, Management Psychology, Management of Enterprises, Management Practices, Management Strategy, Management Theory, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Marketing, Operations Research, Organizational Behaviour, Port Management, Production Management, Project and Quality, Research Methods, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Risk Management and Insurance, Scientific Management, Security and Risk Management, Hospitality Management, Sport Management, Strategic Management, Strategic Management, Technology and Knowledge Management.</p>Newinera Publisheren-USJournal La Bisecoman2721-0987Analysis of the Development of Online Loans and Gen Z Opinions in Makassar City in the Era of Digital Capitalism
<p><em>In its development, online loans have become the choice of many people to meet their needs. This is due to the ease and speed of the process. However, this gives rise to new problems, namely the large number of online loan services that are not registered or illegal, so that their existence is very detrimental to people who make loans, because the loans are carried out by providing unreasonable interest charges. Carrying out a descriptive economic analysis of the development of crime which occurred due to illegal lending in Makassar City in 2023-2024, Analyzing the factors that influence GEN Z to take online loans. The method used in this research is quantitative and qualitative research or what is usually called Mix Method. The results of this research are that the growth of online loan companies is increasing every year, but for those registered with the OJK it is decreasing, the development of online loan crime is increasing rapidly, this can be seen from the number of complaints to the OJK and the news circulating, Lifestyle factors have no significant influence on loans. Online, the Need Factor has a positive and significant effect on Online Loans, Access to Financial Institutions has a positive and significant effect on Online Loans. research.</em></p>Sugianto SugiantoHasriani HasrianiMuhammad Mitsal IslamiRandi Mauna Noor
Copyright (c) 2025 Journal La Bisecoman
2025-01-242025-01-246111610.37899/journallabisecoman.v6i1.1835Strategy of Implementing Blue Economy Policy in Developing Marine Tourism
<p><em>Promoting the blue concept economy in developing marine tourism to maintain and preserve the natural environment is not an easy thing, so a strategy is needed for its implementation. This study aims to analyze the implementation strategy of blue economy policy in developing marine tourism in Makassar City. This study uses a qualitative research approach with data collection methods, namely observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Informants in this study are parties who are authorized and directly involved in the management of marine tourism development in Makassar City. Data sources consist of primary and secondary data. The data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model. The results of the study show that in the implementation of the blue economy policy on the development of marine tourism in Makassar City, the strategy as a pattern, position, perspective, and game has been quite good, only the strategy as a plan can be said to be still lacking. This is because of the legal products or policies and regulations related to the blue economy There is no policy yet, but there are practices for developing marine tourism that are oriented towards blue economy policy have been implemented especially in the coastal and beach areas of Makassar City.</em></p>Muhammad RoemMuhammad Akmal IbrahimNurdin NaraMuhammad Tang AbdullahDidik Iskandar
Copyright (c) 2025 Journal La Bisecoman
2025-01-272025-01-2761172410.37899/journallabisecoman.v6i1.1943Effectiveness in Handling People with Mental Disorders
<p><em>This study is intended to determine the effectiveness of the policy for handling ODGJ in North Kalimantan Province. Following what is contained in Law Number 18 of 2014 concerning Health Soul, effort, and health are held through promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitation and carried out in a way integrated, comprehensive, and continuous, together with cross-program and cross-sector related. The data were then compiled in a qualitative study. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of ODGJ handling in North Kalimantan Province has not been carried out optimally, many things need to be improved, closely related to the implementation of budget shortage problems, inadequate service facilities and a clear legal umbrella from associated agencies in the focus of ODGJ handling.</em></p>Usman UsmanAkmal Ibrahim Hasniati HasniatiTang Abdullah
Copyright (c) 2025 Journal La Bisecoman
2025-01-272025-01-2761253110.37899/journallabisecoman.v6i1.1948Analysis Implementation Strategy Global Operations: A Case Study
<p><em>This study analyzes the implementation of global operational strategies by Adidas, focusing on the company's approaches to sustaining competitiveness amidst dynamic global market challenges such as geopolitical risks, economic fluctuations, and diverse consumer preferences. Using a qualitative methodology based on literature reviews and secondary data, the research explores Adidas' strategies in supply chain management, product innovation, market adaptation, and sustainability. The findings highlight Adidas' success in employing integrated strategies, including market diversification, efficient supply chain management, production relocation, and investment in digital technologies, while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability. These practices not only enhance Adidas' competitive edge but also provide valuable insights for other multinational companies navigating the complexities of global operations.</em></p>Serlin SerangArdi Mahrifal Hi TaherMiftahul ChairAlbani Mukti Adrias
Copyright (c) 2025 Journal La Bisecoman
2025-01-312025-01-3161324610.37899/journallabisecoman.v6i1.1868The Effect of Company Growth and Inflation on Company Valuation
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to examine how corporate expansion and inflation affect the worth of companies in the resort, cruise, and hospitality industries that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The study makes use of secondary data that was obtained from these firms' 2018–2022 annual financial reports. By employing a purposive sampling technique, 15 companies were selected, resulting in 75 observations aligned with the study's objectives. Panel data analysis techniques were used to examine the data. The results show that although inflation has a positive and considerable impact on company value, sales growth has no discernible effect. Second, the joint effect of sales growth and inflation accounts for most of the observed value growth in firms. This has important implications for company management, as they need to leverage firm value for competitive advantages in rapidly changing market conditions.</em></p>Robi SunjayaAgus Munandar
Copyright (c) 2025 Journal La Bisecoman
2025-02-132025-02-1361475510.37899/journallabisecoman.v6i1.1847The Influence of Promotion and Price on Purchase Decisions of Chicken Cuts Sellers
<p><em>The influence of promotion and price on purchasing decisions at CV. Cahaya Huspi chicken sellers in Makassar, MUH. FIQRI MUSARI 2024. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of promotion and price on purchasing decisions. The method used in this study was a survey method with a quantitative approach, namely by emphasizing hypothesis testing. The sample in this study were consumers who made purchases at Cahaya Huspi Makassar with a total of 97 participants from 161 questionnaires distributed. The sampling technique used the Accidental Sampling method by setting a time limit for distributing the questionnaire for two weeks. Data collection methods through questionnaires and direct observation. The data analysis used was descriptive quantitative using the SPSS program with a simple Linear Regression analysis method.</em></p>Muh. Fiqri MustariEdy JumadyMuh. Rusni
Copyright (c) 2025 Journal La Bisecoman